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TJA is fortunate to be under the Daas Torah of our Rosh Yeshiva, Harav Ariel Edry Shlita. We are blessed and inspired by our founder and Rav Kehila, Rav Yehuda Kornfeld Shlita. The Board of TJA is a collection of local rabbanim who are all committed to the mission of bringing Jewish children from public school and providing a quality Jewish education. TJA is fortunate to have been the dream of our dear founders Rav Avshalom Baksin, Rav Pollishuk, Rav Kornfeld and more.  BH we recieved the Brocha to open our school and develop this chashuv kiruv mission from HaRav Moshe Shapiro ztl", HaRav Yochanon Zweig, the Lubavicher Rebbe ztl" and many other Gedolim.

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